History of 1976

This site about the Bouvier is indepented. We want to give you as much objective information as possible.


Dutch version

[In aanbouw]


The history of the year 1976.

What happened in the year 1976?

  • Freddy Maertens wins the 11th edition of the Amstel Gold Race.
  • Czechoslovakia wins the European Championship Soccer in Belgrado by defeating last year’s winner West Germany by taking penalties.
  • The Belgian racing cyclist Lucien v. Impe wins the 63rd edition of the Tour de France before Joop Zoetemelk.
  • King Boudewijn opens the first subway line of Belgium in Brussels
  • Democrat Jimmy Carter is chosen as the 39th president of the United States.
  • Pieter Menten disappears without a trace.
  • Fidel Castro becomes the president of Cuba.

And what happened in the Bouvierworld?

The board of the Dutch Bouvier Club is presented by: 









Dhr A. Govaers

Dhr. F.D.J. van Gink

Dhr. J Komejan

Mevr. H. Vermeulen

Dhr. F.J.Krake

Dhr A Kolvoort

Dhr H. Schoone

The Bouviermagazine is still being stencilled in A4 size.

No Pictures are printed in the entire magazine.

The contribution for a year including the Bouviermagazine was set on 20 Guilders.

For family members you paid 10 Guilders.

As a new member you had to pay 5 Guilders extra to cover the administration costs.


In Memoriam


The following did not happen in the year 1976, but on December 29th 1975. We don’t want to withhold on this part, because it is about a Bouvier that meant a lot for the modern Bouvier.


In the year 1976 the board of the Dutch Bouviercub receives the message that

Mr. A Govears sr passed away on the age of 82.

He was the father of the chairman in 1976. His Kennel name was:

van ’t Spanjaardsveld. His favourite dog was named “Beauty” and he achieved several Championship prices with her.


January 1st 1976: The Dutch Kennel club decided that all dogs born on or after January 1st 1976 have to get a tattooed number. This tattoo should be placed in either the ear or the groin. Later that same year the Dutch Kennel club decides that with Bouviers the tattoo is only allowed to be placed in the ears after the ears are healed from cropping.


Club matches:

Normally there were no results from club matches published in the Bouvier Magazine.

In 1976 they made an exception to that rule.

This special case is about a Bouvier bitch named Ypsa du Posty ArleQuin.

She became Best in Show at the Club match in Deventer on March 7th at the age of 18 months.

Exactly one week later at the Club match in Apeldoorn with 6 different judges she became Best in Show again!

“Congratulations Mr Kolvoort, as owner, even tough the credits should go to your son who groomed and handled her perfectly.”

(Literarily quoted from the Bouvier Magazine)


Ypsa du Posty Arlequin


Eindhoven, February 22nd 1976

Judge: Mrs v. Gink v. Es.


52 Bouviers are presented for her and this was her comment.


“I was very surprised about the large number of Bouviers that I was allowed to judge.

Almost all of them were taken care of perfectly. At the final judging the dogs were all very similar and the decisions were made on minor differences.

What’s more is that some “Very-Good” dogs should have got the qualification Very-Good-Plus.

Only a few dogs looked somewhat shy, which I mentioned. With all the others I could not find any sign of fear or aggression. You can take this as a compliment for both dogs and owners.

Further I want to indicate that nowadays the eyes of the Bouviers have the tendency to become lighter and rounder. In time people will think that it should be this way, but the breeding standard tells us:

Eyes:  Neither protruding nor sunken. Slightly oval in shape and horizontally placed but not too close together. As dark as possible in relation to coat color.

The coats are progressing, only a few dogs showed too long, soft or silky hair.

Teeth, that were not mentioned, were all complete and good scissor bites.


G.F. van Gink v. Es.


Ringo v Dafzicht ( ReuenOpenklasse)

eigenaar C.A. Semler  

1e Uitmuntend, CACIB

Tino van het Vonderke ( Reuen Jeugdklasse)

eigenaar J.F.F.Klerks

1e Uitmuntend, Res kampioen

Annabica Astra van Dafzicht( Teven Jeugdklasse)

eigenaar: G. Handofsky- v. Dalen

1e Uitmuntend, Kampioen en Beste van het Ras




10 en 11 april 1976

Keurmeester: Dhr Martinage (België)

27 bouviers verdeeld over 5 klassen


Hoscy Kata v Dafzicht (Reuen Jeugdklasse)

eigenaar C.A. Semler

1e Uitmuntend, Champion des Jeunes de Luxembourg 1976

Yago v.d Buildrager (Reuen Openklasse)

eigenaar: A.A. Verheyen(België)

1e Uitmuntend, Champion de Luxembourg 1976

Vazal v.d. Macecliers (Reuen Openklasse)

2e Uitmuntend, Reserve Kampioen

Zolla ten Roobosch ( Teven Jeugdklasse)

eigenaar: J. Boxclear

1e Uitmuntend, Champion des Jeunes de Luxembourg 1976

Bessie v.d. Kleine Steeg ( Teven Openklasse)

eigenaar: W. Bloem

1e Uitmuntend, Champion de Luxembourg 1976



19 april 1976

Keurmeester: Mevr. Ooms en Mevr. v. Gink

126 Bouviers


Ringo v Dafzicht ( 23 Reuen Openklasse)

eigenaar C.A. Semler

1e Uitmuntend, Beste Reu en werd defintief Ned. Kampioen
Hoscy Kata V Dafzicht ( 40 Reuen Jeugdklasse) 1e Uitmuntend

Yamada de la Thudine (21 Teven Openklasse)

eigenaar Mevr. O.Hamelink - Nijhof

1e Uitmuntend, Beste Teef, BOB   

Rebecca ( 39 Teven Jeugdklasse)

eigenaar : Dhr Epker

1e Uitmuntend


Show report of Ringo v. Dafzicht.

Very nice short male, with very good head and dark eyes,

2 teeth in grip teething.

Excellent body, with broad croup, good legs and feet,

Excellent coat, good free and easy movement.


Show report of Yamada de la Thudine.

Very nice type, good proportions,

Deep chest, good shoulders, strong back,

Powerful hindquarters, excellent croup,

Well developed skull with good eyes and complete scissor bite.

Good coat, free and easy movement, somewhat narrow in the back.

Yamada de la Thudine



June 6th 1976 the traditional Whitsun show is held at the Rijnhal in Arnhem.

Judge: Mr. Krake

57 bouviers entered.


Tino van ´t Vonderke ( 10 Reuen Openklasse)

eigenaar J.Klerks

1e Uitmuntend, Res CAC, CACIB

Aron Vedette v Dafzicht ( 20 Reuen Jeugdklasse)

eigenaar: Cissen

1e Uitmuntend, CAC

Annabica Astra v. Dafzicht (12 Teven Openklasse)

eigenaar: Handofsky - v. Dalen

1e Uitmuntend, CAC, CACIB, BOB, 2e BIG

Ramona ´t Klumpke (15 Teven Jeugdklasse)

eigenaar: Klomp

1e Uitmuntend



August 8th 1976, the Specialty of the Dutch Bouvierclub is held in Zutphen,

329 Bouviers are entered.

These dogs will be judged in 5 separated rings by the following 5 judges:

Dhr J.F. Krake
Mevr. M Ooms
Mevr. J.H.C Brooymans
Dhr A. Renders
Dhr J.W. Koeneman


(40 Reuen boven 24 maanden)

Aron Vedette v Dafzicht

eigenaar: A.Cissen

1e Uitmuntend, Beste Reu, Beste v.h. Ras

Keurmeester: Dhr J.F. Krake

(72 Reuen 12-24 maanden)

Donar v.d. Ponyhoeve

eigenaar: P Stadt

1e Uitmuntend


Mevr. J.H.C Brooymans

(35 Reuen 9 - 12 maanden)

Zacha v.d. Buildrager

eigenaar: A. Kolvoort

1e Uitmuntend

Keurmeester: Dhr J.F. Krake

(51 Teven boven 24 maanden)

Kata v Dafzicht

eigenaar: C.A. Semler

1e Uitmuntend

Keurmeester: M Ooms

(76 Teven 12-24 maanden)

Floss Roulette v. ´t Schipperhuis

eigenaar: R.A.Last

1e Uitmuntend

Keurmeester: Dhr A. Renders

(42 Teven 9 - 12 maanden)

Firanda Doedel v.d. Cerberushof

eigenaar: H. Harmers

1e Uitmuntend, Beste Teef, Beste zelfgefokte hond


Dhr J.W. Koeneman

Firanda Doedel v.d. Cerberushof


In the October edition of the Bouvier magazine it is mentioned that there will be a new layout of the Bouvier Magazine.

As of the following year the Bouvier Magazine will no longer be stencilled.

A kind of edition where also pictures can be published is thought of,

And the new Bouvier magazine should be better readable and more reprehensible ‘

Also then it was already indicated that the content of the Bouvier Magazine would mainly be the responsibility of the members.



Exhibition for sheepdog and cattle dog


The Sheltie Club took the initiative to organise an exhibition for sheepdog and cattle dogs. Most of the Breed associations spontaneous joined in to this recall.

Mr. Kat fulfilled the secretary; Mr. Kolvoort represented the Dutch Bouvier Club in the Exhibition committee

Of course there were a few sceptics, but the challenge to gather all pastoral dogs was very appealing.

The committee mainly existed from people who had little or no experience organising a dog show.

Mr and Mrs Kat put in an extreme amount of hard work. After all this hard work the first exhibition for Sheepdog and Cattle dogs took place on September 19th. By now that is over 30 years ago.

The Bouviers were judged by Mr A. Renders.

87 Bouviers were entered, and Yamada de la Thudinie became Best of Breed.

In the finals for Best in Show she became second best.

An obedience demonstration was given on the show by the Bouvier Dressuur Group Amsterdam. Mr Hamelink showed 3 Bouviers in the Group class and became 2nd.


Mijn oog viel op het volgende gedicht geschreven door Dhr P v. Leeuwen,


Barco mooie lieve hond

toen wij je kochten was je goed gezond.

Je groeide op en werd heel mooi

met je warrelige vacht als tooi.

Op een jonge hondendag, ´t is gek

werd jij ondanks je gebrek

uitgekozen bij de mooiste vier,

dat deed ons veel plezier.

Maar ach, het leven laat zich niet voorspellen

vaak moesten wij de veearts bellen.

bronchitis en verkoudheid werden jouw deel

en wij hoopten toch zoveel.

Verlamming van de stembanden was jouw kwaal

en wat wij ook dokterde allemaal

Er werd van alles geprobeerd

Op de veeartsenschool in Utrecht werd je geopereerd

om je lijden te verlichten

zodat jij je hondentaak toch kon verrichten

deze was, het is kort geschreven

vreugde schenken in ons mensenleven

revieren, pakwerk en ook stellen

wilden wij jou niet vertellen.

Dingen waar de mensen van beven

deed jij niet, wel poten geven

Maar na twee jaar hijgend leven

ben jij in je slaap gebleven

het is nu met jou gebeurd

en om jou wordt veel getreurd


Larynx Paralysis.


Larynx paralysis was a large problem in the bouvier breed in those years.

The Dutch Bouvier Club closely worked together with the Veterinarian University clinic in Utrecht.

The purpose of this was to help bouvier breeders to eliminate this disease from the breed as soon as possible, and to help the people who bought a dog with this disease as good as possible and to operate on the dogs if possible.

The disease mostly started out at the age of about 5-6 months as a cold or bronchitis.

Due to the good work in those days the disease is banned from the breed.


In Memoriam.


On November 4th 1976 Mr. J.W. Koeneman passed away.

He was with the founding of the breed from the start. “van Sappemeer” was the name of his kennel. Max Simba van Sappemeer gained his championship.

Beside breeder Mr Koeneman also became a judge for the breed.

His death came as a big shock for all Bouvier loving people in Holland.


K.B.P.V. Award.


On November 20th 1976 the Golden Award of the K.N.P.V. was handed out to Mr. C.A. Semler.

Merits of honour for Mr C.A. Semler were amongst others:

Member since 1928.

Gaining 20 certificates, a lot of them with honour.

Highest score in Brabant in 1930.

Champion in 1936 (this dog, Loef, was bought by the K.N.P.V and given to Her Majesty the Queen.)

Mr Semler’s work as a department Judge was also mentioned.


Winner 1976

Harras Tania v.h. Lampegat became Winner 1976

Deborah Doedel v.d Cerberushof became

Winster 1976.

Deborah became Best of Breed.


Susan v.d. Zwikshoek became Youth Winster.

Fasco Doedel v.h Cerberushof became Youth Winner.



Thanks to: The Dogsfarm and Carin Gouma

Informatie en foto´s zijn overgenomen uit diverse uitgaven van het Bouviernieuws en de Hondenwereld

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Last updated: aug-07-2007